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Faculty of Informatics

Faculty of Informatics

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi

Iaşi, Romania

General Information


The interest for Computer Science at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi dates back in 1958-1965, when Adolf Haimovici, professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, initiated a series of lectures about "Mathematics Applied in Computer Science"; in 1960, professor Haimovici taught the first course entitled "Elements of Computer Science". In 1965, the Section of Computing Machines was set up within the Faculty of Mathematics; its first students graduated in 1970. In 1971, the section changed its name in the Section of Informatics.In the autumn of 1991 the teaching staff of the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Mathematics proposed the creation of a new faculty, based on the structure of the existing section.Through the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science, in January 1992 was set up the Faculty of Informatics of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi. The faculty offers study programmes for the Bachelor, Master and PhD level. The courses are taught both in Romanian and English (www.info.uaic.ro/bin/Programs/Overview?language=en).The faculty pursues research in the following areas: Formal Methods Applied in Software Engineering and Semantic Web, Evolutionary Computing, Formal Models and Verification (Automata Theory, Petri Nets, Universal Algebras, and Temporal Logics), Cryptography and Security Protocols (pure cryptography, security protocols modelling and verification), Human Language Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Combinatory and Graph Theory, Bioinformatics.



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