Informatics is known under different names in different European languages and countries, and in English as well. Across Europe terms as Informatics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Computing, IT, ICT, IST are found. In some cases, they represent the same concept, in some cases not. There is in particular confusion on the use of the terms Informatics and Computer Science, which in some cases is interchangeable, and in some cases not.

In this section you can find the subject names (and English translations) that were used to identify Informatics studies programs in the higher education institutions included in this portal. Note that in many countries Master's programs are offered and have official English titles.

We used the term “Informatics” as a translation of Informatik, Informatica, Informatique, Informaatika, etc., although some departments in non-English speaking countries translate it as “Computer Science” in the English versions of their web sites. Note that for some large countries (e.g. Germany, Spain, UK, etc.) the list of programs is non-exhaustive and the actual practice is much more diverse. We are working to complete it and provide the users with the comprehensive list at the next round of the portal updates. If you notice any mistake or problem, please contact Svetlana Tikhonenko (