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Joint Statement on Informatics Research Evaluation

The Joint Statement on Informatics Research Evaluation issued by Informatics Europe and 12 undersigned National Informatics Associations has been released in mid-April 2020 and can be downloaded as a PDF document here.

This Joint Statement is a tangible sign of the fruitful collaboration between Informatics Europe and the National Informatics Associations. One of the key findings is the need to increasingly establish qualitative evaluation criteria in IT research in the future. Too often, quantitative criteria such as the number of publications in a subject area are used when awarding research fund, while the quality and impact of Informatics research is of major importance for a successful assessment as well. Another key point of the Joint Statement is that the different disciplines of Computer Science require different metrics. To establish comparability, research assessment must, therefore, be designed in an interdisciplinary manner.

Informatics Europe would like to thank all contributors for the great collaboration and is looking forward to continuing to work together on the topic of Informatics Research Evaluation in the future.

For more information, you can also check the news article (in German) of the GI - Gesellschaft für Informatik.